The Role Of Augmented Reality In Digital Transformation

The introduction of Augmented Reality (AR) opened up an entirely new world for organizations to connect and engage with their audience. We live in a digital world, where social media and technology drive people and having this technology at one’s disposal helps expand the horizon of an organization. But the real power of AR comes when it complements and supports other technology and business strategies to be part of a larger and holistic strategic technology arsenal to transform specific business areas.

Augmented Reality in Manufacturing

AR is changing the way we connect and interact in manufacturing. Unlike virtual reality (VR), AR allows interaction between computer-generated information and the world around you. AR enhances manufacturing capabilities, making it a perfect tool for Industry 4.0. As such, manufacturers are investing more in human-and-machine interaction. To stay competitive, leading manufacturers continue to bring in automation to handle simple, repetitive tasks and track data. Manufacturers are giving more complex tasks to their workers and increasing their agility to variation. Empowering factories with augmentation increases efficiency and productivity - leading to a new understanding and level of operations.

5 Uses Cases of AR in Manufacturing

  1. Training & Upskilling

    Leveraging AR solutions to solve manufacturing training and upskilling challenges benefits businesses and workers at all levels. AR work instructions help meet businesses where they are. A click of a button easily switches programs, providing production training for individuals or large groups. These programs easily adapt to any skill level, remaining inclusive for someone with little manufacturing background or someone with 30+ years of experience.

  2. Product Variation

    Once work instructions are written, they are added to an index of programs available on every AR system. With more than one process available to work on per system, workers are open to quickly and conveniently adapt to product variation. One barcode scan allows AR software connected to an enterprise MES or PLC system to recognize a new part and automatically call the proper work instructions.

  3. Quality Assurance

    Inspection and verification are extremely important to ensuring quality but often times don’t take place until the end of a process. With guided AR solutions, work instructions can incorporate quick inspections at any step without hindering cycle time.

  4. Ergonomics

    Not everyone works in the same setting. Adjustments are needed for the type of work you’re doing, where you’re doing it, and how much you’re doing at a time. Because AR displays digital overlays onto the surfaces around you, it can adapt to your needs. AR digital work instructions are customizable. When changes need to be made to accommodate workers, it can be done in minutes. In addition, digital work instructions can offer text in multiple languages.

  5. Manual Process Data & Analytics

    AR technology allows manufacturers to access manual processes and automated data at the same time. It continues to collect cycle times and defects but adds more minute points of reference. For example, augmented work instructions track step times, the exact actions that led to a defect, and real-time operational metrics. Altogether, this added manual data provides a broader picture of factory functionality, showing exactly when and where issues occur.

The Future of Augmented Reality in Manufacturing

Expanding on human and machine collaboration is unlocking new methods to connect factories and interact with data. Enterprises in every industry are benefitting from solutions to manufacturing training, standardization, optimization, and overall worker well-being.

There's not a one-formula-fits-all solution for AR driven digital transformation. Every company has different and diverse needs. At INFRASI, we use technology modernization and transformation to support the future of manufacturers. Our intent is to aid in the sustainment and re-imagined operations that utilize a modern mobile and cloud-enabled infrastructure. Check out our Manufacturing Solution Sheet to learn more and schedule your consultation today.

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