According to ABI Research the augmented reality (AR) market value will surpass 140 billion by 20251. Now more than ever the HBR article, “Why every organization needs an augmented reality strategy”2 is relevant. The AR technology conversation has implications across the whole organization.
INFRASI is at the forefront of the global industrial evolution driven by the Internet of Things. By deploying mobile devices in a variety of form factors, companies of all sizes are poised to spark unprecedented efficiency.
One of the most promising concepts is wearable AR. Wearable AR devices enable everyone, from field technicians to factory line personnel, to instantly access relevant operational data.
To better serve our clients and empower them with the latest thought leadership on this emerging phenomenon, INFRASI recently finalized its membership with AREA, the Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance (AREA)3.
What is Wearable AR?
Wearable AR represents a new chapter for the Internet of Things (IoT). First-wave IoT technology focused on improving interoperability of devices using sensors throughout the workplace. IoT devices use data from these sensors to adjust to environmental conditions.
With wearable AR, individuals can access this data directly or in concert with other devices. Wearable enterprise AR comes in the form of glasses or headsets that interface with a variety of network resources. Data readouts are shown directly to users, superimposed over whatever they see.
Representative features of connected wearable AR equipment include:
- Wireless networking
- Local and remote computer access
- Cloud-based data analytics
- Reporting applications
- Enterprise IT integration
- Device management
The transformative potential of wearable AR cannot be overstated. By rendering data visible and actionable for the whole industrial workforce, teams can finally bring to bear the full benefit of their institutional knowledge on every task.
However, all this is realized by the free flow of data, which could amount to terabytes of sensitive information transferred wirelessly every hour of the work day. That poses a significant data security challenge. People, processes, and technology must be aligned to ensure optimal execution.
That’s where the AREA comes in.
INFRASI is the Newest Member of AREA, the Enterprise AR Thought Leader
AREA is an industry consortium of organizations with unique expertise in enterprise AR adoption. Its goal is to develop best practices so companies can make informed implementation decisions, manage operational risks, and approach threats using a structured framework and common vocabulary.
As a contributor to the formative dialogue around enterprise AR, INFRASI will be uniquely positioned to help companies unlock fresh capabilities and business models facilitated by an all-new level of access to data.
To find out more about enterprise AR, contact our team today.
