The nature of digital transformation has been evolving for decades. Before the pandemic, it felt like we were still a few years away from a tipping point when digital transformation would shift from optimizing business to transforming it. Now, the “why” and the “what” behind digital transformation are very clear. Digital transformation puts an organization in a proactive position. This keeps them ahead, rather than scrambling to keep up with industry or market changes. Historically though, success rates for digital transformation efforts are dismally low. Many organizations rush to boost headcount and budget, hiring teams of talented engineers, data scientists, and cybersecurity experts.
Introducing INFRASI’s Mobility Ecosystem Time to Value™ (METTV)
The need for transformation on the other side of the pandemic is as existential as it was in 2020. The changes required to get you there, however, are typically so broad and all-encompassing that it’s hard to get your teams to agree on what needs to be done. Mobility Ecosystem Time to Value™ (METTV) is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) process that considers the current state + mobility ecosystem to drive efficient business value. It maximizes your productivity with end-to-end visibility of your operation while assessing direct and indirect costs relative to its operational value. METTV drives innovation by staying abreast of emerging technology trends, enabling a proactive position on your Digital Transformation and IT Modernization’s impact on Business Growth, Cost Reduction, and Security.
An Outcome-Based Process
METTV is an outcome-based process that enables:
- Data-Driven Organization - Participants can collect more data, which allows analytics to create even better offerings and improve the customer experience.
- Innovation - Focus on achieving new and disruptive innovation by working with suppliers who possess the necessary capabilities.
- Investment Roadmaps - New technologies are central to customer-oriented products and services. Committing resources has the potential to deliver a payoff later.
- Technology & Business Convergence - Supplier-development partnerships that drive operational excellence in the value chain.
Business and technology leaders need a set of universally understood business outcomes that are predefined and easy to understand. Collectively, they can become a road map to your transformation efforts.
WaaS Challenges: Data security and privacy concerns
Maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of organizational data is very critical for enterprises. Hence, companies are reluctant to move their data to the cloud and as such, are still using the traditional Wi-Fi network. Another major concern is natural or manmade disasters that can damage data centers, thereby leading to the loss of internet connectivity and hence, impacting various business processes. Thus, cloud connectivity failure and data security issues act as restraints for the growth of the WaaS market.
Our Approach
We take a layered approach, where we will:
- Conduct a review of current state by helping to answer these (3) questions:
- What is the problem you’re trying to solve?
- What are your existing key technology platforms?
- What is your process for selecting technology platforms?
- Modernize your digital strategy to ensure you’re up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.
- Unlock how your data is obtained, processed, and analyzed.
- Connect ideas, talent, and the latest technology to help you elevate the human experience.
Companies need better ways to bring information together (platforms) and get it to the right people faster (connectivity). In answering these questions, we’re able to establish the business needs and then find the tech to support them.
Tech is expected to keep evolving at a faster and faster rate. The conditions that are producing a need for high-stakes, strategic digital transformation will likely only intensify.
Before forging ahead with a digital ecosystem, you need to identify the best approach for establishing a successful collaboration. Jumpstart your digital transformation. We’re here to help!